全品类孕婴童生态品牌;创建于2009年,一直以“科学、舒适、健康、创新”为理念。产品体系涵盖睡眠、玩教、用品、出行、喂养、童装、安防及孕产等8大品类。 ub专注于母婴用品领域,研发优质母婴产品,实现品牌、销售、管理、工厂、仓储、物流一体化,现有产品已辐射全国所有省、市、自治区,并逐步实现产品专利化。 kub以宝贝的优秀成长为核心,提供睡眠、玩教、用品、出行、喂养、童装、安防及孕产等全品类母婴用品。并为客户提供一整套育儿指南服务,帮助妈妈们实现轻松育儿。
A full-category eco-brand for pregnancy, infants and children; founded in 2009, it has always been based on the concept of "science, comfort, health, and innovation". The product system covers 8 categories such as sleep, play and education, supplies, travel, feeding, children's clothing, security and maternity. ub focuses on the field of maternal and child products, researching and developing high-quality maternal and child products, realizing the integration of brand, sales, management, factories, warehousing, and logistics. The existing products have been radiated to all provinces, cities, and autonomous regions across the country, and product patents are gradually realized.




A full-category eco-brand for pregnancy, infants and children; founded in 2009, it has always been based on the concept of "science, comfort, health, and innovation". The product system covers 8 categories such as sleep, play and education, supplies, travel, feeding, children's clothing, security and maternity.


ub focuses on the field of maternal and child products, researching and developing high-quality maternal and child products, realizing the integration of brand, sales, management, factories, warehousing, and logistics. The existing products have been radiated to all provinces, cities, and autonomous regions across the country, and product patents are gradually realized.





Kub takes the excellent growth of the baby as its core and provides a full range of maternal and child products such as sleep, play and education, supplies, travel, feeding, children's clothing, security and pregnancy. And provide customers with a set of parenting guide services to help mothers realize easy parenting.


William Sears | 医学博士威廉.西尔斯

全美最著名的儿科医生、医疗和养育顾问。受训于哈佛医学院儿童医院,以及世界上最大的儿童医院 – 多伦多儿童疾病医院。现任教育于美国南加州大学医学院。其夫人玛莎.西尔斯(Marsha Sears)不仅是资深的护士,还是有关婴幼儿哺育的持证教育家兼哺乳顾问。

西尔斯夫妇从事小儿科研究30多年,护理过上万名婴幼儿。其中包括他们自己的8个孩子(其中三个孩子也已成为医生,“博士吉姆”(大儿子)、“鲍勃博士”(二儿子)和“博士皮特”,而第四个儿子马特,目前正在医药大学欧文分校念书)。在美国已经出版了超过30本的书籍都成为美国的畅销书,大部分收录在“西尔斯亲子图书馆”里。西尔斯博士经常以DR BILL的名字参加电视台的对话节目,担任了超过100多个电视节目的嘉宾。


William Sears, MD, is the most famous pediatrician, medical and parenting consultant in the United States. Trained at the Children's Hospital of Harvard Medical School and the world's largest children's hospital-Toronto Children's Disease Hospital. The current education is at the University of Southern California School of Medicine. His wife Marsha Sears (Marsha Sears) is not only a senior nurse, but also a licensed educator and lactation consultant on infant feeding.





The Sears have been engaged in pediatric research for more than 30 years and have nursed tens of thousands of infants. Including their own 8 children (three of them have also become doctors, "Doctor Jim" (the eldest son), "Dr. Bob" (second son) and "Doctor Pete", and the fourth son Matt, Currently studying at Irvine University of Medicine). More than 30 books have been published in the United States and have become American bestsellers, most of which are included in the "Sears Parent-Child Library". Dr. Sears often participates in TV dialogue programs under the name DR BILL and has been a guest on more than 100 TV shows.



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